Deep Searches for Radio Pulsations and Bursts from Four Magnetar and a Magnetar-like pulsar with FAST

Deep Searches for Radio Pulsations and Bursts from Four Magnetar and a Magnetar-like pulsar with FAST
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Researchers conducted deep radio searches for four magnetars (SGR 0501+4516, Swift 1834.9−0846, 1E 1841−045, SGR 1900+14) and a magnetar-like pulsar PSR J1846−0258 using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope. No periodic radio emission or single pulses were detected, but upper limits on the radio flux density were derived.


  • Deep radio searches conducted for four magnetars and a magnetar-like pulsar.
  • No periodic radio emission or single pulses detected.
  • Upper limits on the radio flux density derived for the sources.
  • Results suggest that the magnetars are either radio-quiet sources or unfavorably beamed.
  • Research provides insight into the nature of radio emissions from magnetars.

Key Insights

  • Magnetars remain mysterious objects: Magnetars are known for their strong magnetic fields and high-energy bursts, but the origin of their radio emissions is still uncertain.

  • Radio emissions may be suppressed: Strong magnetic fields in magnetars can suppress the mechanisms responsible for generating radio emissions, making them undetectable.

  • Directionality of radio beams: Radio emissions from magnetars might be highly directional, and if the beam is not aligned towards Earth, it would remain undetectable.

  • Environmental influences: High-density plasma around magnetars can impact the propagation of radio waves, making them challenging to detect.

  • Current observational limitations: Radio telescopes may not have the sensitivity needed to detect weak radio signals from magnetars, and prolonged monitoring or high-time-resolution observations may be necessary to capture transient emissions.

  • Importance of further research: Further radio observations of radio-quiet magnetars and high-B magnetar-like pulsars are necessary to understand the mechanisms underlying their radio emissions.

  • Insight into magnetar behavior: The study of magnetar radio emissions can provide insight into the nature of these enigmatic objects and their role in the universe.


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Bai, J., Wang, N., Dai, S., Wang, S., Yuan, J., Yan, W., Shang, L., Xu, X., Dang, S., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Deep Searches for Radio Pulsations and Bursts from Four Magnetar and a Magnetar-like pulsar with FAST (Version 1). arXiv.

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