Gravitational EFT for dissipative open systems

Gravitational EFT for dissipative open systems
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This paper discusses the effective field theory (EFT) construction for dissipative open systems coupled to dynamical gravity, using the Schwinger-Keldysh (SK) formalism. It highlights the importance of considering the energy-momentum tensor of the environment sector and introduces a simple model for the environment using HydroEFT.


  • The SK formalism is used to construct the EFT for dissipative open systems coupled to dynamical gravity.
  • The doubled diffeomorphism symmetries in the SK formalism are decomposed into physical and noise diffeomorphisms.
  • Dissipative effects are tied to the breaking of the noise diffeomorphism symmetry.
  • The Stu¨ckelberg trick is used to recover the noise diffeomorphism symmetry.
  • HydroEFT is used to model the environment sector.
  • The EFT construction is applied to a dissipative scalar coupled to dynamical gravity and to dissipative gravity.

Key Insights

  • The SK formalism provides a framework for constructing EFTs that explicitly incorporate fluctuations and dissipation, making it suitable for studying non-equilibrium systems.
  • The doubled diffeomorphism symmetries in the SK formalism are essential for constructing EFTs that respect both the physical and noise diffeomorphism symmetries.
  • The introduction of the Stu¨ckelberg fields allows for the recovery of the noise diffeomorphism symmetry, enabling the study of dissipative effects while preserving the symmetry.
  • HydroEFT provides a simple and natural model for the environment sector, allowing for the study of dissipative effects in the presence of dynamical gravity.
  • The EFT construction can be applied to various systems, including dissipative scalars coupled to dynamical gravity and dissipative gravity itself.
  • The generalized second law of black hole thermodynamics can be studied using the EFT construction, providing insights into the behavior of black holes in non-equilibrium systems.
  • The EFT construction provides a framework for studying the interplay between gravity, dissipation, and fluctuations in non-equilibrium systems.


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Lau, P. H. C., Nishii, K., & Noumi, T. (2024). Gravitational EFT for dissipative open systems (Version 1). arXiv.

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