Existence and uniqueness of Generalized Polarization Tensors vanishing structures

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The paper discusses the existence and uniqueness of Generalized Polarization Tensors (GPTs) vanishing structures, which can be used to design cloaking devices. The authors prove the existence of GPTs vanishing structures for any given radius and fixed core conductivity.


  • The authors prove the existence of GPTs vanishing structures for any given radius and fixed core conductivity.
  • The GPTs vanishing structures can be used to design cloaking devices.
  • The authors use a combination of analytical and numerical methods to prove their results.
  • The paper provides a new approach to designing cloaking devices.
  • The results have potential applications in fields such as electromagnetism and acoustics.
  • The authors also discuss the uniqueness of GPTs vanishing structures under certain conditions.
  • The paper provides a theoretical framework for understanding GPTs vanishing structures.

Key Insights

  • The existence of GPTs vanishing structures is a crucial step in designing cloaking devices, as it allows for the creation of devices that can effectively hide objects from electromagnetic or acoustic waves.
  • The authors' use of a combination of analytical and numerical methods provides a robust approach to proving the existence of GPTs vanishing structures.
  • The uniqueness of GPTs vanishing structures under certain conditions is an important result, as it ensures that the designed cloaking devices will have the desired properties.
  • The paper's focus on GPTs vanishing structures provides a new perspective on the design of cloaking devices, and has the potential to lead to the development of new technologies.
  • The results of the paper have potential applications in fields such as electromagnetism and acoustics, where cloaking devices could be used to improve the performance of antennas or sensors.
  • The authors' approach to designing cloaking devices using GPTs vanishing structures is a significant contribution to the field of metamaterials and electromagnetic engineering.
  • The paper's theoretical framework for understanding GPTs vanishing structures provides a foundation for future research in this area.



Sun, F., & Deng, Y. (2024). Existence and uniqueness of Generalized Polarization Tensors vanishing structures (Version 1). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2412.18809

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