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The paper proposes a novel method, Averaging along Fine-tuning (AaF), to improve the targeted transferability of adversarial examples. AaF averages the fine-tuning trajectory to steer the adversarial example towards a more centered region, enhancing its transferability.
- AaF method averages the fine-tuning trajectory to improve targeted transferability.
- The proposed method is compared to existing fine-tuning schemes, ILA and FFT.
- AaF is integrated with state-of-the-art iterative targeted attacks.
- The method is evaluated on various transfer scenarios, including CNNs and transformers.
- AaF improves the attack success rate in both random-target and most difficult-target scenarios.
- The method is compared to generative attacks, TTP and C-GSP.
- AaF is found to be superior to existing fine-tuning schemes and can boost targeted transferability universally.
Key Insights
- AaF's averaging process encourages the adversarial example to move towards a more centered region, enhancing its transferability.
- The decaying factor γ in AaF controls the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, with γ = 0.8 being a good choice.
- AaF improves the attack success rate in both random-target and most difficult-target scenarios, demonstrating its effectiveness.
- The method's performance is comparable to or even better than generative attacks, TTP and C-GSP, in some scenarios.
- AaF's superiority is attributed to its ability to exploit the fine-tuning trajectory information more effectively than existing fine-tuning schemes.
- The results demonstrate that AaF can boost targeted transferability universally, making it a valuable tool for evaluating the robustness of deep neural networks.
- The comparison with generative attacks highlights the effectiveness of AaF in improving targeted transferability, especially in scenarios with low perturbation budgets.
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Zeng, H., Cui, S., Chen, B., & Peng, A. (2024). Two Heads Are Better Than One: Averaging along Fine-Tuning to Improve Targeted Transferability (Version 1). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2412.20807