Thermal Contributions to Primordial Nucleosynthesis

Thermal Contributions to Primordial Nucleosynthesis
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This study examines the thermal contributions to primordial nucleosynthesis, focusing on the modification of electron mass at finite temperatures and densities. The research demonstrates how temperature changes in electron mass are associated with beta decay in the early universe, impacting the abundance of light elements.


  • Electron mass modification affects beta decay rates and light element abundance.
  • Thermal contributions to electron mass are significant during nucleosynthesis.
  • The study uses the renormalization scheme of QED to compute temperature dependence.
  • Electron concentration is an indicator of helium synthesis in the early universe.
  • Self-mass of electron plays a crucial role in determining nucleosynthesis processes.
  • The research evaluates the impact on helium abundance, expansion rate, and energy density.
  • Temperature dependence of nucleosynthesis parameters is calculated using Masood's functions.

Key Insights

  • The modification of electron mass due to thermal contributions significantly impacts beta decay rates and the abundance of light elements during primordial nucleosynthesis.
  • The study's use of the renormalization scheme of QED provides a precise computation of the temperature dependence of electron mass, allowing for a detailed understanding of its effects on nucleosynthesis.
  • Electron concentration is a critical indicator of helium synthesis in the early universe, and its accurate calculation is essential for understanding the processes governing nucleosynthesis.
  • The self-mass of the electron plays a pivotal role in determining the detailed mechanism of contributing processes to nucleosynthesis, emphasizing the importance of its precise calculation.
  • The research highlights the significance of thermal contributions to electron mass during nucleosynthesis, demonstrating that these contributions cannot be ignored in accurate calculations of light element abundance.
  • The study's evaluation of the impact on helium abundance, expansion rate, and energy density provides a comprehensive understanding of the effects of thermal contributions on the early universe.
  • The use of Masood's functions to calculate the temperature dependence of nucleosynthesis parameters offers a valuable tool for understanding the complex relationships governing the early universe.


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Masood, S., & Singh, J. (2022). Thermal Contributions to Primordial Nucleosynthesis (Version 3). arXiv.

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