Recycling e-waste into gold-loaded covalent organic framework catalysts for terminal alkyne carboxylation

Recycling e-waste into gold-loaded covalent organic framework catalysts for terminal alkyne carboxylation
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The article presents the development of two covalent organic frameworks (TTF-COF and TPE-COF) that efficiently recover gold from e-waste and catalyze the carboxylation of terminal alkynes. These frameworks demonstrate high adsorption capacities and stability, converting e-waste into valuable catalysts for sustainable organic transformations.


  • Innovative Gold Recovery: TTF-COF and TPE-COF are designed to recover gold from e-waste, specifically from metal flakes in computer processing units.
  • High Adsorption Capacity: TTF-COF shows an impressive gold ion adsorption capacity of 2440 mg/g, while TPE-COF has a capacity of 1639 mg/g.
  • Selective Gold Capture: Over 99% of gold ions are selectively captured by TTF-COF, with minimal uptake of other metals like Ni and Cu.
  • Catalytic Efficiency: The gold-loaded COFs catalyze the carboxylation of terminal alkynes effectively, maintaining high activity across multiple reuse cycles.
  • Stable Frameworks: The covalent organic frameworks exhibit stability and reusability, performing well over six catalytic cycles without significant loss in efficiency.
  • Environmental Impact: The study promotes an eco-friendly approach to gold recovery, reducing reliance on traditional mining and expensive catalysts.
  • Potential Applications: The low band gaps and high photocurrent responses of the COFs suggest their suitability for various applications, including as redox-active photocatalysts.

Key Insights

  • E-Waste Utilization: The research highlights the potential of repurposing electronic waste into valuable materials, addressing both resource scarcity and environmental concerns.
  • Advanced Material Properties: TTF-COF and TPE-COF exhibit unique properties such as low band gaps and high electron donation capacity, enhancing their effectiveness as catalysts.
  • Mechanistic Understanding: The interaction between gold ions and the COF structures is elucidated through various characterization techniques, revealing the mechanisms behind selective adsorption and catalytic activity.
  • Thermodynamic Feasibility: The study confirms that the photocatalytic reduction of Au(III) is thermodynamically favorable, indicating the potential for efficient metal recovery processes.
  • Recycling Efficiency: The ability to regenerate the COFs for multiple cycles without significant loss in adsorption capacity demonstrates the efficiency and sustainability of this method.
  • Broader Implications: The findings support the advancement of clean energy research and catalysis, showcasing the importance of developing sustainable materials from waste.
  • Future Research Directions: This work opens avenues for further exploration of other metal recoveries and the development of new covalent frameworks for diverse catalytic applications.


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Zadehnazari, A., Auras, F., Altaf, A. A., Zarei, A., Khosropour, A., Amirjalayer, S., & Abbaspourrad, A. (2024). Recycling e-waste into gold-loaded covalent organic framework catalysts for terminal alkyne carboxylation. In Nature Communications (Vol. 15, Issue 1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC.

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