Quantum Transport in Interacting Spin Chains: Exact Derivation of the GUE Tracy-Widom Distribution

Quantum Transport in Interacting Spin Chains: Exact Derivation of the GUE Tracy-Widom Distribution
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The study investigates quantum spin transport in a one-dimensional folded XXZ model using the Bethe ansatz technique, finding that the probability distribution of the left-most up-spin converges to the Tracy-Widom distribution for the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) in the long-time limit.


  • The study examines quantum spin transport in the one-dimensional folded XXZ model.
  • The Bethe ansatz technique is used to derive an exact expression for the probability distribution of the left-most up-spin.
  • The probability distribution is found to converge to the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution in the long-time limit.
  • The GUE Tracy-Widom distribution is a universal distribution that appears in various physical systems.
  • The study's findings suggest that the folded XXZ model exhibits similar behavior to other integrable models.
  • The results have implications for understanding the behavior of interacting quantum systems.
  • The study provides a new example of the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution in a quantum system.

Key Insights

  • The folded XXZ model is an integrable model that can be solved using the Bethe ansatz technique, allowing for an exact derivation of the probability distribution of the left-most up-spin.
  • The convergence of the probability distribution to the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution in the long-time limit suggests that the folded XXZ model exhibits universal behavior similar to other integrable models.
  • The GUE Tracy-Widom distribution is a probability distribution that appears in various physical systems, including random matrix theory and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class.
  • The study's findings have implications for understanding the behavior of interacting quantum systems, particularly in the context of quantum transport and the emergence of universal behavior.
  • The use of the Bethe ansatz technique and the derivation of an exact expression for the probability distribution demonstrate the power of integrability in solving complex quantum systems.
  • The study provides a new example of the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution in a quantum system, expanding our understanding of the universality of this distribution.
  • The results of the study suggest that the folded XXZ model may be a useful system for exploring the behavior of interacting quantum systems and the emergence of universal behavior.


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Fujimoto, K., & Sasamoto, T. (2024). Quantum Transport in Interacting Spin Chains: Exact Derivation of the GUE Tracy-Widom Distribution (Version 1). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2412.20147

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