Primordial black holes from an interrupted phase transition

Primordial black holes from an interrupted phase transition
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The paper proposes a new mechanism for primordial black hole (PBH) formation through an interrupted phase transition during the early matter-dominated stage of reheating after inflation.


  • The phase transition is interrupted, and the bubble nucleation rate is not sufficient to overcome the expansion of the universe.
  • The bubble expands and then shrinks, leaving behind a spherical region with a positive density perturbation.
  • The perturbation can collapse into a PBH through the post-collapse accretion mechanism.
  • The PBH mass grows until the onset of radiation domination.
  • The abundance of PBHs can be significant, potentially making up the whole dark matter of the universe.
  • The model is constrained by the requirement that the phase transition is interrupted, and the bubble nucleation rate is not too high.
  • The PBH formation scenario is sensitive to the bubble nucleation rate and the reheating temperature.

Key Insights

  • The interrupted phase transition mechanism provides a new way to form PBHs, which can contribute to the dark matter abundance.
  • The model relies on the assumption that the phase transition is interrupted, and the bubble nucleation rate is not sufficient to overcome the expansion of the universe.
  • The PBH formation scenario is sensitive to the reheating temperature, which determines the mass of the PBHs.
  • The post-collapse accretion mechanism plays a crucial role in the formation of PBHs, allowing the density perturbation to collapse into a black hole.
  • The abundance of PBHs can be significant, potentially making up the whole dark matter of the universe, which has implications for cosmology and particle physics.
  • The model is constrained by the requirement that the phase transition is interrupted, and the bubble nucleation rate is not too high, which limits the parameter space for the model.
  • The interrupted phase transition mechanism provides a new way to form PBHs, which can be tested by future observations and experiments.


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Ai, W.-Y., Heurtier, L., & Jung, T. H. (2024). Primordial black holes from an interrupted phase transition (Version 2). arXiv.

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