Meaurement of spin vs. TKE of $^{144}$Ba produced in spontaneous fission of $^{252}$Cf

Meaurement of spin vs. TKE of $^{144}$Ba produced in spontaneous fission of $^{252}$Cf
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The average spin of 144Ba, a common fragment produced in 252Cf spontaneous fission, was measured as a function of total kinetic energy (TKE). The results show that the average spin only changes by about 0.5ℏ across the TKE range of 158-203 MeV.


  • The experiment used a twin Frisch-gridded ionization chamber and the Gammasphere spectrometer to measure the spin of 144Ba.
  • The average spin of 144Ba was found to be relatively constant across the TKE range.
  • The results suggest that spin is not solely generated through statistical excitation of rotational modes.
  • The experiment provides new insights into the mechanism of spin generation in nuclear fission.
  • The results have implications for the modeling of fission recycling in r-process nucleosynthesis.
  • The experiment demonstrates the power of combining different experimental techniques to study complex nuclear phenomena.
  • The results highlight the need for further research into the mechanisms of spin generation in nuclear fission.

Key Insights

  • The average spin of 144Ba is relatively constant across the TKE range, suggesting that spin is not solely generated through statistical excitation of rotational modes. This result challenges current understanding of spin generation in nuclear fission and highlights the need for further research.
  • The experiment demonstrates the importance of combining different experimental techniques to study complex nuclear phenomena. The use of a twin Frisch-gridded ionization chamber and the Gammasphere spectrometer allowed for the measurement of the spin of 144Ba with high precision.
  • The results have implications for the modeling of fission recycling in r-process nucleosynthesis. The r-process is a complex astrophysical process that involves the rapid capture of neutrons by atomic nuclei, and accurate modeling of this process requires a detailed understanding of the spin of the nuclei involved.
  • The experiment provides new insights into the mechanism of spin generation in nuclear fission. The results suggest that spin is generated through a complex interplay of different mechanisms, including statistical excitation of rotational modes and other, as yet unknown, mechanisms.
  • The results highlight the need for further research into the mechanisms of spin generation in nuclear fission. A deeper understanding of these mechanisms is essential for the development of accurate models of nuclear fission and the r-process.
  • The experiment demonstrates the power of experimental nuclear physics to provide new insights into complex nuclear phenomena. The use of advanced experimental techniques, such as the combination of a twin Frisch-gridded ionization chamber and the Gammasphere spectrometer, allows researchers to study nuclear phenomena in unprecedented detail.
  • The results of the experiment have implications for a wide range of fields, including nuclear physics, astrophysics, and materials science. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of spin generation in nuclear fission is essential for the development of new nuclear technologies and the study of complex astrophysical phenomena.


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Giha, N. P., Marin, S., Tolstukhin, I. A., Oberling, M. B., Knaack, R. A., Mueller-Gatermann, C., Korichi, A., Bhatt, K., Carpenter, M. P., Fougères, C., Karayonchev, V., Kay, B. P., Lauritsen, T., Seweryniak, D., Watwood, N., Duke, D. L., Mosby, S., Montoya, K. B., Connolly, D. S., … Tovesson, F. (2024). Meaurement of spin vs. TKE of $^{144}$Ba produced in spontaneous fission of $^{252}$Cf (Version 1). arXiv.

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