Machine learning the Renyi entropy of multiple disjoint intervals with neural networks

Machine learning the Renyi entropy of multiple disjoint intervals with neural networks
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The study calculates the Renyi entropy of multiple disjoint intervals in the one-dimensional transverse-field quantum Ising model (TFQIM) using machine learning methods with neural networks and direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. The results from both methods match each other well within errors.


  • The study uses the improved swapping operation to compute the Renyi entropy with multiple disjoint intervals.
  • The machine learning method with neural networks is used to prepare the ground states of the system.
  • The direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is used to obtain the exact states of the system.
  • The Renyi entropy is computed for two, three, and four disjoint intervals in the TFQIM model.
  • The results from both methods match each other well within errors.
  • The Renyi entropy increases with the magnetic field until it reaches the critical point and then decreases.
  • The study demonstrates the applicability of machine learning methods to compute the Renyi entropy with multiple disjoint intervals.

Key Insights

  • The study demonstrates the power of machine learning methods in computing the Renyi entropy with multiple disjoint intervals, which is a challenging task using traditional methods.
  • The improved swapping operation is a universal approach to computing the Renyi entropy with multiple disjoint intervals, applicable to various quantum systems.
  • The Renyi entropy is a valuable tool for understanding the entanglement properties of quantum systems, and this study provides a new avenue for computing it in complex systems.
  • The TFQIM model is a paradigmatic model for studying quantum phase transitions, and this study provides new insights into its entanglement properties.
  • The study highlights the importance of using multiple methods to verify the accuracy of results, especially when dealing with complex quantum systems.
  • The machine learning method with neural networks can be used to study the Renyi entropy in higher-dimensional systems and other complex quantum systems.
  • The study opens up new avenues for exploring the entanglement properties of quantum systems using machine learning methods.


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Shi, H.-Q., & Zhang, H.-Q. (2024). Machine learning the Renyi entropy of multiple disjoint intervals with neural networks (Version 1). arXiv.

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