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The research paper explores the cosmological signatures of neutrino seesaw, a mechanism that explains the tiny neutrino masses and matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The study proposes a new approach to study these signatures through the interaction between inflaton and right-handed neutrinos.
- Neutrino seesaw provides a natural explanation for tiny neutrino masses and matter-antimatter asymmetry.
- Inflation provides an appealing mechanism for the dynamics of the early universe.
- The study proposes a new approach to study cosmological signatures of neutrino seesaw.
- The interaction between inflaton and right-handed neutrinos can produce primordial non-Gaussian signatures.
- These signatures can be measured by forthcoming large-scale structure surveys.
- The study demonstrates the potential to probe a large portion of the neutrino seesaw parameter space.
- The research opens up a new window for testing the high-scale seesaw mechanism.
Key Insights
- The neutrino seesaw mechanism is a natural explanation for the tiny neutrino masses and matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. However, probing such a high scale of neutrino seesaw is extremely difficult and far beyond the reach of current particle colliders.
- Inflation provides an appealing mechanism for the dynamics of the early universe, and its energy scale could be as high as 10^16 GeV, which coincides with the scale of neutrino seesaw.
- The interaction between inflaton and right-handed neutrinos can produce primordial non-Gaussian signatures, which can be measured by forthcoming large-scale structure surveys. This provides a new approach to study cosmological signatures of neutrino seesaw.
- The study demonstrates the potential to probe a large portion of the neutrino seesaw parameter space, opening up a new window for testing the high-scale seesaw mechanism.
- The research highlights the importance of understanding the dynamics of inflation, which is crucial for ensuring a definitive probe on the neutrino seesaw.
- The study also emphasizes the need for future measurements of non-Gaussianity, which will further probe the origin of neutrino mass generation through the seesaw mechanism around the inflation scale.
- The research provides a new perspective on the connection between neutrino physics and cosmology, highlighting the potential for cosmological observations to constrain neutrino physics.
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Han, C., He, H.-J., Song, L., & You, J. (2024). Cosmological Signatures of Neutrino Seesaw (Version 1). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/ARXIV.2412.21045