Van der Waals interactions in linear chains with long-range correlated disorder


The study examines van der Waals interactions in linear chains with long-range correlated disorder. It demonstrates that the interaction energy strongly and non-monotonously depends on the disorder correlation length. Semianalytical expressions for the interaction energy are obtained.


  • Van der Waals interactions in linear chains with long-range correlated disorder are studied.
  • The interaction energy strongly and non-monotonously depends on the disorder correlation length.
  • Semianalytical expressions for the interaction energy are obtained.
  • The study considers a toy model of N isotropic molecules periodically spaced.
  • The disorder correlation length affects the interaction energy, with a peak around j0 ≈ 1.
  • The study also analyzes the role of array inhomogeneity and the effects of retardation.
  • The results indicate that the problem of van der Waals interactions is not trivial even in the simplest one-dimensional setting.

Key Insights

  • The study highlights the importance of considering long-range correlated disorder in van der Waals interactions, as it significantly affects the interaction energy.
  • The semianalytical expressions obtained provide a useful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of van der Waals interactions in disordered systems.
  • The toy model used in the study provides a simplified yet effective approach to analyzing the effects of disorder on van der Waals interactions.
  • The study's findings have implications for the understanding of van der Waals interactions in various systems, including condensed matter physics and quantum optics.
  • The non-monotonous dependence of the interaction energy on the disorder correlation length suggests a complex interplay between disorder and van der Waals interactions.
  • The study's results demonstrate the need for further research into the effects of disorder on van der Waals interactions in various systems.
  • The study provides a foundation for exploring the role of van der Waals interactions in more complex systems, including higher-dimensional disordered models and systems with retardation effects.



Mualem, Y., & Poddubny, A. N. (2024). Van der Waals interactions in linear chains with long-range correlated disorder (Version 2). arXiv.

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