Transformation of the trapped flux in a SC disc under electromagnetic exposure

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Researchers studied the dynamic behavior of magnetic induction in a superconducting NbTi disk with trapped flux under stepwise changes in the external magnetic field, simulating operational shocks in technical devices. The results showed a direct correlation between the stepwise changes in the magnetic field and the trapped flux response, with each increase or decrease in the field inducing a corresponding 40-50% change in trapped flux.


  • The study investigated the dynamic behavior of magnetic induction in a superconducting NbTi disk with trapped flux.
  • Stepwise changes in the external magnetic field simulated operational shocks in technical devices.
  • A direct correlation was found between the stepwise changes in the magnetic field and the trapped flux response.
  • Each increase or decrease in the field induced a corresponding 40-50% change in trapped flux.
  • The magnitude of these changes depended on external parameters.
  • The dynamics of the trapped flux could lead to additional energy dissipation and potential heating.
  • The study has implications for the design and use of bulk superconducting magnets in applications.

Key Insights

  • The study demonstrates the sensitivity of superconducting magnets to their operating environment, highlighting the need for careful consideration of external factors in the design and use of these magnets.
  • The dynamic behavior of the trapped flux is a dissipative process, leading to heating of the superconducting magnet, which can impact its performance and reliability.
  • The study's findings have practical implications for the use of bulk superconducting magnets in applications such as power generation and magnetic levitation systems.
  • The research highlights the importance of understanding the dynamic behavior of trapped flux in superconducting magnets to optimize their performance and longevity.
  • The study's results can inform the development of strategies to mitigate the effects of external magnetic field changes on superconducting magnets.
  • The research demonstrates the value of magneto-optical imaging as a tool for studying the dynamic behavior of magnetic induction in superconducting materials.
  • The study contributes to the understanding of the complex behavior of superconducting materials under varying external conditions, which is essential for advancing their applications.



Chabanenko, V. V., Abaloszewa, I., Rusakov, V. F., Kuchuk, O. I., Chumak, O. M., Nabiałek, A., Abaloszew, A., Filippov, A., & Puźniak, R. (2024). Transformation of the trapped flux in a SC disc under electromagnetic exposure (Version 1). arXiv.

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