Reconstructing square-law k-inflation from Planck data


This study explores a square-law k-inflation model using the Hamilton-Jacobi approach, focusing on scenarios where the Hubble parameter exhibits a power-law dependence on the k-field. The analysis encompasses computations of crucial observables and constrains the model's parameters using Planck data.


  • The square-law k-inflation model is analyzed using the Hamilton-Jacobi approach.
  • The Hubble parameter is modeled as a power-law function of the k-field.
  • Crucial observables, such as the scalar power spectrum and tensor-to-scalar ratio, are computed.
  • The model's parameters are constrained using Planck data.
  • The potential of the model is derived and analyzed.
  • The tensor-to-scalar ratio and scalar spectral index are found to be consistent with observational data.
  • The running of the scalar spectral index is also analyzed and found to be consistent with observations.

Key Insights

  • The Hamilton-Jacobi approach provides a useful framework for analyzing the square-law k-inflation model, allowing for the computation of crucial observables and the constraint of model parameters using Planck data.
  • The model's potential, derived from the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, exhibits a decreasing trend and approaches zero as the scalar field increases, indicating a viable inflationary scenario.
  • The tensor-to-scalar ratio and scalar spectral index are found to be consistent with observational data, indicating that the model is in good agreement with current understanding of the universe.
  • The running of the scalar spectral index is also analyzed and found to be consistent with observations, providing further evidence for the model's viability.
  • The model's parameters, constrained using Planck data, indicate a power-law dependence of the Hubble parameter on the k-field, providing insight into the model's underlying dynamics.
  • The study's results demonstrate the utility of the Hamilton-Jacobi approach in analyzing k-inflation models and highlight the importance of considering non-canonical kinetic terms in inflationary scenarios.
  • The model's consistency with observational data makes it a viable candidate for further study and refinement, potentially providing new insights into the early universe and the inflationary paradigm.



Liu, M., He, T.-Y., Chen, B., Han, Z.-W., & Yang, R.-J. (2024). Reconstructing square-law k-inflation from Planck data (Version 1). arXiv.

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