Notes on Quasinormal Modes of charged de Sitter Blackholes from Quiver Gauge Theories


This study uses the connection formula for ordinary differential equations with 5 and 6 regular singularities to compute quasinormal modes of charged de Sitter blackholes from quiver gauge theories.


  • The connection formula for ODEs with 5 and 6 regular singularities is generalized.
  • Quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordström de Sitter blackholes are computed using the connection formula.
  • Analytic expressions for photon-sphere modes, dS modes, and near-extremal modes are obtained.
  • The connection formula is tested against numerical results from the QNMspectral package.
  • The method is also applied to non-scalar perturbations in RN-dS blackholes.
  • The dS-Kerr-Newman blackhole and 6-pt BPZ equation are discussed in appendices.
  • The study provides a new approach to computing quasinormal modes using gauge theories.

Key Insights

  • The connection formula provides a systematic way to write down the connection coefficients for ODEs with regular singularities, which can be used to compute quasinormal modes of blackholes.
  • The analytic expressions for quasinormal modes obtained from the connection formula match well with numerical results, especially for small Q/M and large ΛM2.
  • The connection formula approach can be used to study quasinormal modes of blackholes with different charges and rotations, providing a new tool for understanding blackhole physics.
  • The study demonstrates the power of gauge theories in computing quasinormal modes of blackholes, which can be used to study the AdS/CFT correspondence and the holographic principle.
  • The connection formula can be used to study the strong cosmic censorship problem in de Sitter blackholes, which is an important problem in theoretical physics.
  • The study provides a new approach to computing quasinormal modes using gauge theories, which can be used to study the properties of blackholes and the behavior of matter in extreme environments.
  • The connection formula can be used to study the perturbations of blackholes with different charges and rotations, providing a new tool for understanding blackhole physics.


Characterize decaying fields in blackhole background
Important in gravitational wave merger events
Traditionally studied using numerical methods
Quasinormal Modes (QNMs)
Reissner-Nordström de Sitter blackhole
Has rich mathematical structure
Used as a playground for testing connection formulae
RN-dS Blackhole
ODE with 5 regular singularities
Mapped to 5-pt BPZ equation
Connection formula used to compute QNMs
Scalar Perturbations
ODE with 6 regular singularities
Mapped to 6-pt BPZ equation
Connection formula used to compute QNMs
Non-Scalar Perturbations
Obtained for PS modes and near-extremal modes
Leading-order behavior matches known results
Method can be extended to higher orders
Analytic Results
Dictionary 1: maps RN-dS to 5-pt BPZ
Dictionary 2: maps RN-dS to 6-pt BPZ
Used to compute QNMs and analytic results
Used to compute conformal blocks
Involve Nekrasov factor and instanton counting
Important in AGT relation
Instanton Partition Functions
Relates 2d Liouville theory to 4d gauge theory
Used to compute conformal blocks and QNMs
Important in modern theoretical physics
AGT Relation
Compared with QNMspectral package
Good agreement for PS modes and near-extremal modes
Method can be used to study QNMs of blackholes
Numerical Results
Notes on Quasinormal Modes of charged de Sitter Blackholes from Quiver Gauge Theories


Liu, P., & Zhu, R.-D. (2024). Notes on Quasinormal Modes of charged de Sitter Blackholes from Quiver Gauge Theories (Version 1). arXiv.

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