Impacts of dineutrons on nuclear compositions and neutrino reactions of the core-collapse supernova


The study investigates the impact of dineutrons on nuclear compositions and neutrino reactions in core-collapse supernovae, finding that dineutrons and tetraneutrons are more abundant than deuterons within certain radii, affecting neutrino absorption and emission rates.


  • Dineutrons and tetraneutrons are found to be more abundant than deuterons within radii of approximately 100 km and 50 km, respectively.
  • The mass fraction of neutrons decreases due to the presence of dineutrons and tetraneutrons.
  • Neutrino absorption and antineutrino emission rates decrease by approximately 40%–50%.
  • Neutrino emission and antineutrino absorption rates increase by approximately eight times.
  • The presence of dineutrons and tetraneutrons facilitates neutronization near the central region.
  • The binding energy of dineutrons affects their mass fraction.
  • The study suggests that dineutrons and tetraneutrons may accelerate the neutronization of the proto-neutron star.

Key Insights

  • The inclusion of dineutrons and tetraneutrons in the nuclear composition of core-collapse supernovae significantly affects the neutrino reaction rates, leading to a decrease in neutrino absorption and antineutrino emission rates and an increase in neutrino emission and antineutrino absorption rates.
  • The presence of dineutrons and tetraneutrons facilitates the neutronization of the proto-neutron star, which may impact the supernova explosion mechanism and the formation of neutron stars.
  • The study highlights the importance of considering the effects of dineutrons and tetraneutrons in core-collapse supernovae simulations to accurately model the nuclear composition and neutrino reactions.
  • The binding energy of dineutrons is found to affect their mass fraction, emphasizing the need for accurate measurements of this quantity.
  • The study suggests that the presence of dineutrons and tetraneutrons may accelerate the neutronization of the proto-neutron star, potentially impacting the supernova explosion mechanism.
  • The findings of this study have implications for our understanding of core-collapse supernovae and the formation of neutron stars, highlighting the need for further research into the role of dineutrons and tetraneutrons in these processes.
  • The study demonstrates the importance of considering the effects of exotic nuclei, such as dineutrons and tetraneutrons, in core-collapse supernovae simulations to accurately model the nuclear composition and neutrino reactions.


Dineutrons affect nuclear compositions in supernovae
Abundance of 2n and 4n in central region
Reduced neutron mass fraction within 100 km
Impacts of Dineutrons on Nuclear Compositions
Decreased neutrino absorption and emission rates
Increased neutrino emission and absorption rates
Dependence on binding energy of 2n and 4n
Neutrino Reactions and Dineutrons
Increased mass fraction of 2n and 4n
Decreased mass fraction of neutrons
Increased mass fraction of protons and deuterons
Nuclear Compositions and Dineutrons
Neutronization and neutrino cooling time
Explosion mechanism and proto-neutron star
Early birth of neutron stars
Supernovae Dynamics and Dineutrons
Experimental values for binding energy
Dependence on equation of state
Inclusion of quasi-bound states and energy dependence
Limitations and Future Work
Nuclear statistical equilibrium approximation
Weak interactions and neutrino reactions
Boltzmann gases and nucleon axial-vector coupling
Theoretical Framework and Calculations
Supernovae explosions and neutron stars
Neutrino emissions and detections
Cosmic nucleosynthesis and abundances
Astrophysical Implications and Observations
Similar studies on dineutrons and supernovae
Different approaches and results
Comparison with observations and experiments
Previous Studies and Comparisons
Summary of main points and results
Implications and future directions
Importance of dineutrons in supernovae physics
Conclusion and Summary


Matsuki, T., Furusawa, S., & Suzuki, K. (2024). Impacts of dineutrons on nuclear compositions and neutrino reactions of the core-collapse supernova (Version 1). arXiv.

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