Geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety around non-cuspidal points and strong multiplicity-one results


The Bianchi eigenvariety is studied around non-cuspidal points, specifically ordinary non-cuspidal base change points. Multiplicity-one results are proven for Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems, and the geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety is analyzed.


  • Bianchi eigenvariety is studied around non-cuspidal points.
  • Multiplicity-one results are proven for Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems.
  • Geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety is analyzed.
  • Ordinary non-cuspidal base change points are considered.
  • p-stabilizations of Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems are introduced.
  • p-adic L-functions of Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems are constructed.
  • Coleman-Mazur eigencurve is related to the Bianchi eigenvariety.

Key Insights

  • The Bianchi eigenvariety is a rigid analytic space that parametrizes p-adic automorphic representations. Studying its geometry around non-cuspidal points is crucial for understanding arithmetic applications.
  • The multiplicity-one results for Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems imply that the cohomology groups are one-dimensional, which is essential for constructing p-adic L-functions.
  • The ordinary non-cuspidal base change points are related to the base change of cuspidal automorphic representations of GL(2,Q) to GL(2,K), where K is an imaginary quadratic field.
  • The p-stabilizations of Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems are used to construct p-adic L-functions, which are expected to satisfy an interpolation formula related to special values of Hecke L-functions.
  • The geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety around non-cuspidal points is related to the Coleman-Mazur eigencurve, which is a curve that parametrizes p-adic modular forms.
  • The study of the Bianchi eigenvariety has implications for the arithmetic of elliptic curves and the distribution of prime numbers.
  • The construction of p-adic L-functions of Bianchi Eisenstein eigensystems is a crucial step towards understanding the arithmetic of automorphic forms.



Salazar, D. B., & Palacios, L. S. (2024). Geometry of the Bianchi eigenvariety around non-cuspidal points and strong multiplicity-one results (Version 1). arXiv.

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