Andean bears display selective behaviors while foraging for bromeliads in high-elevation puna grasslands, with a preference for Puya leptostachya over Puya membranacea, and a tendency to forage during the dry season.
- Andean bears forage extensively on bromeliads across their range.
- The study found that Andean bears display selective behaviors while foraging for bromeliads.
- The bears preferred to forage on Puya leptostachya over Puya membranacea.
- Foraging activity was mostly observed during the dry season.
- The bears selected for high-elevation, east-facing, steep slopes in a band near the cloud forest edge.
- Andean bears avoided areas with current pastoral activities when selecting foraging patches.
- The study suggests that the reduction or removal of cattle grazing from puna grasslands may quickly increase the amount of seasonal foraging habitat for Andean bears.
Key Insights
- Andean bears actively select for resources within puna grasslands, suggesting behavioral flexibility in response to changing environmental conditions.
- The bears' preference for Puya leptostachya over Puya membranacea may be due to differences in nutritional value or palatability.
- The selection of high-elevation, east-facing, steep slopes in a band near the cloud forest edge may be related to optimal growing conditions for bromeliads and habitat selection by the bears.
- The avoidance of areas with current pastoral activities when selecting foraging patches suggests that Andean bears are sensitive to human disturbance.
- The study highlights the importance of considering the impact of livestock on the sustainability of puna grasslands and the diversity of plant species of importance to endemic wildlife.
- The reduction or removal of cattle grazing from puna grasslands may be a conservation strategy to increase the amount of seasonal foraging habitat for Andean bears.
- The study contributes to our understanding of the ecological and conservation significance of puna grasslands for Andean bears and other wildlife.
Pilfold, N. W., Mateo-Chero, D., Farfan-Rios, W., Watsa, M., Owen, M. A., & Van Horn, R. C. (2024). Andean bears (Tremarctos ornatus) display selective behaviors while foraging bromeliads (Puya spp.) in high elevation puna grasslands. In J. A. Benavides-Montaño (Ed.), PLOS ONE (Vol. 19, Issue 12, p. e0314547). Public Library of Science (PLoS).